Well, as I conclude this very brief blog , id like to say farewell all and thank you for reading. Before I go however I would like to right one more post for your reading pleasure. This might be a ramble and a little all over the place, and I apologize. I will maintain my social media them , and bring it a step further and talk about stuff that on my mind. This will be broad in terms of the world etc.
Social Media & Society course 101, summed up in a sentence would be . "every thing you post , or do online , is there forever." o.k. yes I understand most people can't see , but someone somewhere can (shaddy government watching us) . For instance , as in my previous blog , have you ever actually "googled" yourself to see how much BS is really out there? Its remarkable how much is actually saved , and how many things come up with one Google search. Imagine what they can really store , its kinda scary. So be careful what you post , because it literally may come back to haunt you. Another thing , is how much good can come from social media. As you flood the internet with what you want everyone to see about yourself, you will find you can get a lot of positive feedback. Careers can be made through connections on facebook , linkedin etc .
Although this may sound insisting to get on the internet and start signing up for various social media outlets. I do recommend you watch out for updates. Every year theirs something new and big in terms of social media for everyone to sign up to. Look at Facebook, came out in 2004 and flourished, now you talk to adolescents (driving force of most social media outlets) Facebook is now for "old" people. Therefore if your going to sign up , make sure once you move on you delete it ! Otherwise everyone will be able to access and view that page from 5 years ago. Where does social media go from here though? I'm sure by the time I graduate there will be some sort of new social media site. Which really all they do is have a different GUI (graphic user interface) and focus on different things. I feel social media outlets will control the marketing and public relations side in business way more predominantly . Business's around the world are starting to see the on going trends and are adapting and changing the way they approach social media. I can almost guarantee that social media, will be a must in the future, and any sites where its easily accessible for employers to view your expertise will be a plus !
I do recommend you , whether it be personal social media , or career related keep them separate. Look at a comparison between a student and a teacher. A student probably has no real care, or is just blindly ignorant to what the teacher can access and view . However a teacher must under all circumstances keep every thing private , and make sure students can only view career related things. A student may view the teacher different, or feel the teacher is inadequate if he is caught on Facebook drunk with all of his/or friends. Better yet, what if a parent stumbles upon a teachers indiscretions ? This can only be a negative , so as a teacher they must separate themselves from a normal person , but rather as an educator . More importantly , students need to always see this as well to be engaged and feel as though there learning something .
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